Abbreviations & Acronyms

Q. I often see abbreviations on listings, but I don’t know what they mean. Can you help?

A. This chart may help you to better understand the abbreviations used in real estate advertising.

and &
approximately approx.
available avail.
basement bsmt.
bathroom bth. or bathrm.
bedroom bdrm.
block blk.
building bldg.
built blt.
bungalow bung.
ceiling ceil.
central air conditioning c/a or c/air
central vacuum c/v or c/vac
condition cond.
construction const.
cupboards cpbds.
dining room din rm.
dishwasher dishwr.
doors drs.
double dbl.
electric elec.
ensuite ens.
condition cond.
equipment equip.
family room fam rm.
finished fin.
fireplace ffp.
furnace furn.
hardwood hrdwd.
hot water tank hwt. or HWT
immediate immed.
included incl.
landscaped lnscp.
large lge. or lrg.
living room lvgrm. or livrm.
maintenance maint.
measurement meas.
mortgage mtge.
piece pc. or pce.
possession poss.
private priv.
property prop.
recreation room rec rm.
refridgerator fridge
room rm.
small sm.
square feet sq. ft.
throughout thruout.
square feet sq. ft.
township twp.
wall to wall w/w
with w/
woodwork woodwk
yard yd.


Q. The real estate industry uses abbreviations and acronyms a lot. Can you provide me with a list of the most common ones?

A. As with any organization, the real estate industry often relies on abbreviations and acronyms to describe a service, association or designation. Listed below are some of the more common acronyms:

AACI Accredited Appraiser Canadian Institute
ABR® Accredited Buyer Representative
ABRM® Accredited Buyer Representative Manager
AFM Accredited Farm Manager
AIC Appraisal Institute of Canada
ALC Accredited Land Consultant
AMP Accredited Mortgage Professional
ARA Accredited Rural Appraiser
ARM Accredited Resident Manager
BOMA Building Owners & Managers Association
CAHPI Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors
CCI Canadian Condominium Institute
CCIM Certified Commercial/Investment Member
CIMBL Canadian Institute of Mortgage Brokers & Lenders
CLP Certified in Land Planning and Development
CMA Current Market Appraisal
CMHC Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation
CMR Certified in Marketing of Real Estate
CPM Certified Property Manager
CRA Canadian Residential Appraiser
CRB Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager
CRE Counselor of Real Estate
CREA Canadian Real Estate Association
CRES Certified Real Estate Specialist
CRS Certified Residential Specialist
E&O Errors and Omissions Professional Liability Insurance
FRI Fellow of the Real Estate Institute
FRI(E) Executive Fellow of the Real Estate Institute
FRICS Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
FSBO For Sale By Owner
MLS® Multiple Listing Service® (a certification mark owned by the Canadian Real Estate Association)
MPAC Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
MVA Market Value Appraiser (Residential)
OA-AIC Ontario Association Appraisal Institute of Canada
OREA Ontario Real Estate Association
PCC Private Career College
RECO Real Estate Council of Ontario
REIC Real Estate Institute of Canada
SRS Specialist in Real Estate Syndication
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